Kristen DeAndrade

Author, Speaker & Advocate who believes that,
“Scars are stories meant to be shared.”

In a world plagued by indifference towards disability and hardship – I am here, a woman living with achondroplasia, journeying through life with little legs and a big heart. My mission? To remind YOU to stop, take a moment, and remember how mighty you are, no matter what your story is. 

Living in the face of adversity is not easy — especially when rock bottom can feel like being trapped in a deep, dark place where no one comprehends your battles. So we settle into the arms of pain and struggle, embraced by familiarity, becoming adept at concealing our physical and emotional scars, as if hiding them from the world is the answer. Yet the truth reveals itself when we dare to expose those scars – for it’s in their unveiling that true healing finds its home. This world deserves a glimpse of your brilliance – don’t deny it that privilege.

Little Legs, Big Heart

From the moment those four words, all strung together, first danced into my consciousness, they weren’t just a mantra; they were little flecks of glitter that accompanied me through the cadence of life. Little legs, carrying not just my soul suit, but the spirit of acceptance, the strong base of perseverance, and continued growth. They’ve been my steadfast companions, teaching me that it’s not just about the miles they cover, but the strides they take in embracing authenticity, stepping through challenges, and nurturing a heart that grows with every experience.

Here’s to smashing stereotypes, dismantling the barriers obscuring mental health discussions, and boldly engaging in conversations that untangle life’s intricacies. Embodying little legs big heart is my call to arms to remind us that no burden, regardless of its weight, is insurmountable. From skeletal dysplasia to the diverse spectrum of disabilities, and even the heaviest chapters of existence, this phrase stands as a testament – there exists incredible power, profound connection, and unfeigned healing in the vulnerability of sharing the scars etched into our life’s journey.